Saturday, 1 September 2012

Truth be Told....

You know something, us Arab, Muslim women have been brought up to be disgustingly faithful and loyal even when neither is deserved...I can't speak on behalf of other Muslim women, but am quite sure it equally applies...

Our men range from spoiled brats to downright bastards, and no there's nothing cute about them...unless you happen to be a western wannabee woman, who is into "different races" to prove to her own how open minded she is or to try to prove "how a feminist can finally change a man's mind" and /or "embrace the exotic"...

In my book, Western women don't count,. however much they "convert". Sorry--- I know the song and dance all too well and let's call it quits for just now. However if you do insist, I am all too pleased to open another chapter about "western female reverts"....but for your sake, I pray you don't push. Because trust me you will read stuff that is not much to your liking.

Did I unknowingly say it all without saying it ?

I suppose I did.

P.S: I was listening the other day to some Arab Palestinian Sheikh by the name of Adnan or the other, am bad with names (thankfully for him), who was all praise for Western "reverts" praising what piety and understanding of "Deen" / Religion they had ...Did the Sheikh not know that "reverts" did not have to bear the brunt of centuries of his/theirs "dickheadedness" like "local Muslim females "did?!