Saturday 19 June 2010

Two Sparrows...

Gorgeous day, I can tell it's going to be very hot am up early, to catch the morning's early coolness.
I just noticed two sparrows outside my wide open window.
The first one landed, and then soon after, another landed next to it, and they engaged in this long discussion...

I knew they were talking to each other, I am sure of it. But I have not mastered the language of birds, not yet...

After a long exchange, sounded a little heated to me, each one got the message. The first one turned his back and flew away, the second followed him in no time.

Maybe it was some important conference of the birds. Or maybe it was a she who was most upset, and he tried making it up to her. Maybe she was telling him, where were you last night or something alone these lines. Or maybe he was just flirting with her, and she was playing hard to get, or still it could be that he was the leader of the clan and was pissed off with one of his subordinates, or it also could be that they were just planning the day ahead-who would get which worm in which corner...or maybe, they were just singing...singing their message to me.