Ohhh, Ahhh, she's so hot...Awww, Aieeee, she's so beautiful...
ohhh, ahhh, am head over heels..awww, aieee, give it, give her to me...
Bet you anything this is what a good majority of idiotic men exclaim when they watch Miss Universe -- I want the winner, I want her to be my lover, girlfriend, wife... to carry my babies...(rolls her eyes and thinks...poor kids)
Give me looks, give me looks, give me ass, give me legs, give me breasts, give me...hot, hot, hot...ohhh, ahhh, awww, aieee...
The number of utterly stupid women is directly correlated to the number of utterly stupido men...a demand and supply equation. And since women usually outlive men, the number of stupid women is slightly higher than that of the men...
And we are left with stupid women...
Maybe stupidity is a major turn on for you...I can't say it is for me.
And we have reached a stage where beauty is in 99% of the cases proportionally related to stupidity. The more beautiful you are, the more stupid you become...And beauty has become so homogenized, standardized...a bit like those Maoist uniforms everyone was obliged to wear during the Cultural Revolution...
There is a "cultural revolution" today, a cultural revolution in Stupidity - like who can be more stupid, the most stupid ever.
I want to cry for Beauty and commiserate with her.
Take the latest Miss Universe - even the title is grotesque, but never mind the title now, wait until you read the rest...
Dayana Mendoza of Venezuela,
" caused a stir here (in Caracas), on Wednesday after gushing over her visit to the US Naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, home of the "war on terror" prison camp.
Mendoza who works for the Miss Universe organization (an NBC universal and Donald Trump partnership) -- visited Gitmo...as part of a tour that takes entertainers to visit US troops. " This week, Guantanamo!!! It was an incredible experience" said Mendoza..."The water in Guantanamo is soooo beautiful !!...It was unbelievable...I didn't want to leave, it was such a relaxing place, so calm and beautiful"...wrote Miss Mendoza on her personal blog."
Hey Chavez, congratulations for your revolutionary educational spirit...and good luck with your indefinite tenure in power...Hope they don't call you a dictator at some point...But as long as you are two asses in one pair of knickers with Iran and as long as you have such bimbos representing your country -- I guess you will be fine...
Congratulations Venezuela, you won the "Beauty" pageantry contest !
And this is for you stupidos - come now and sing with me: "Bimbo, la Bimbo"