Wednesday 24 February 2010

I am a Racist

I am a racist, I can't stand the human race anymore...So much savagery from all there anything else, I keep wondering...
Savages from all races....
I have seen so much savagery from the human race. I have.
All kinds of savagery...the unthinkable lesser sorts of savagery...the daily stuff...
I have seen white, black, yellow, purple savages...I have seen so called Christians, so called Muslims, so called Jews, so called Hindus, so called Sikhs, so called Buddhists savages and even atheist ones...
Savages from all political inclinations --from the right and from the left...
I have seen poor savages and rich savages...I have seen savage couples, savage families, savage parents, and even savage children...savage men and savage women...

Is it a one track mind or what ? Has my optical field become so limited, my vision so lopsided  ?

I am a racist, I hate the human race...the oppressed becomes oppressor and the slave becomes the enslaver and the subjugated becomes the tyrant...this is an endless cycle...

I have seen savagery from the " most kind " of people...and even and specially savage love...

Maybe humans ARE savages, dressed in clothes...walking around with cell phones and computers, driving cars, making deals and giving orations...kneeling to God, lighting candles, sitting in lotus positions and repeating mantras, banging their heads against walls...hoping against hope -- forgetting for a moment the jungle that inhabits them ...mind you atheists are not spared either...they just have other ways of forgetting their's called political and scientific ideals...but really it all boils down to the same crap...yes even the holy ones can be savages...

So what's the point of all this shit ? why has no "philosopher" addressed this question ? The question of savages stuck in a jungle...

They all spoke of those high transcendental ideals, the quest for life and its meaning, the supra man in the becoming...structures and super structures, the being and the thinking man, the existentialist and the kafkaesque, the absurd and the revolutionary... what a load of balls...

None of that crap lasted, only the savagery did and only that comes up to the surface in no time....and people build temples and monuments to hide the as to make their "civilizations" last...

Am not sure where the world is heading with all of this...a sure ticket to hell, and it's already here...they make it every morning like hot some fresh bread that you buy from your local bakery, with each rising sun...past the smiles and the good morning nods and all those niceties...and inside the savage machine is en route, switched on every morning...

That is why I am a racist...I hate the human race...I prefer animals and nature...not that they don't have their savage moments too, but at least they are true to themselves...but maybe humans are as well.

In any case, all will become dust in the end...