Monday 12 April 2010


I noticed something about the majority of women, they LOVE to, talk, talk...chatter, chatter, chatter...endless talk, babble talk, nonsense talk, trivial talk, idle talk, coffee talk, shopping talk, cooking talk, kid's talk, relationship talk, fashion talk, make up talk, diet talk, phone talk, serious talk, they just fucking talk ALL THE TIME...

This is one " feminine" trait I don't have...maybe because I write, write and write instead...

And that is why I AVOID female gatherings at all costs -- they give me HEADACHES. Seriously, I get violent headaches when I mingle with a group of women who talk all the's like a stereo sytem, dolby sound, a cacophony of utter noise...

I don't understand why women are uncomfortable with SILENCE. I don't understand why women can't be by themselves and just be silent. There are many virtues in Silence...why this endless chatter ?????

My family tells me am not normal...well the female members of the family tell me am not normal...I've been like that since I was a kid...I always preferred the world of the written word to playing, I preferred music to dolls, I preferred solitary activities to children's amusement...And by God did they try to mould me into something different...something else...and it DID NOT WORK.

And the irony of it all is that -- all the men I meet, I see them to be chatterboxes...they talk, talk, talk....rubbish talk, garbage talk, nonsense talk....At least with women the subjects are a little diverse...with men it's always about ME, MYSELF and I.--- me, me, infinitum...YAWN.