This afternoon I went for a walk and headed towards a shopping area...I walked into one of those female "boutiques" and checked a blue jeans jacket..the guy, the owner, a 30 year old something with acne scars and 20 tonnes of hair gel, tried his best to sell me something...
I just want to try this blue jeans vest...I said.
They are all one size
It looks too small to me, are you sure they are one size ?
Yes I am sure, they are all imported from Thailand (as if that was some important reference )
I tried one on, this thing was made for tiny girl not a woman...
This can't be right - I said, these vests can't be one's impossible.
No they are - he adamantly replied...
Come on, look at them - it's not possible....they are not a one size garment...
That dickhead got all annoyed...his fucked up Eastern male ego was at stake. How dare I belie him ?! Well the motherfucker was a liar....these vests were badly fabricated and not even my 10 year old niece would fit in one of them...
So trying to salvage his acne scarred ego and his 20 tonnes of hair gel, he said,
How about this ? handing me a huge zebra printed tunic - this is more fitting for your age...
I felt like taking off my shoe and stuffing it in his dirty mouth...between his lips, lips covered with a fine layer of hair, a so-called mustache, desperate to grow ...
Ya kess emak, (a bad word in Arabic), I thought to myself...take that tunic and stuff it in your mother's ass...maybe it will fit ...
I held back....I was not going to lower myself to the level of that acne scarred dickhead of a boy I just told him - your taste is just a little...hmm...maybe your mother will like it...I just want a jeans jacket...
When I left that so called boutique, which I would not even grace with my poop, I reflected on this incident...and it just confirmed to me what assholes men in this country --are...
Eastern men and Arab men are overall a bad case of assholes....and if I want to be with an asshole, I'd have a love affair with my own least I know it has no acne scars and no tonnes of hair gel.