Thursday, 3 March 2011

How Much Is Enough ?

How much is enough ? Is what my dying surrogate father uttered on his death bed...

He waited for a reply.

Drips, nurses, and a ravaging disease that ate him up.

I am not sure the answer came forth...but maybe it did...

Am too much of a "simpleton" to notice these things...but he did pass away on my father's birthday...the exact same date...the beginning of Summer...Maybe this was an answer from a silent God. Maybe after all, our role is nothing but that of surrogates, whose surrogates were snatched away from...maybe after all, God does have mercy on orphans...

Curiously, his birthday was on the 21st of March, the first day of Spring. The pagan new year... when all is reborn after a long death...and he passed away on the very first day of a Summer...the day my father was born, as if to thank we can remember a short lived Spring and a short lived Summer...

Not many will understand that...but I do.