Tuesday 22 March 2011

The ME Rant...

Me, Me, Me, but Me, how about Me, and why not Me, and why Me, and where is Me in all of this and Me, and Me and Me...

It's the culture of ME. I am. Me, Myself and I.

And who is You ? Who is that Me ?...

Duh, hmm, ehh, what ?

Yes who is that Me ?

Hardly anyone can answer this...

Me is not a static thing, nor is it engraved in stone. Me is not the 10 Commandments, nor is it the Revelation...Me is a construct. A CONSTRUCT.

And what is constructed can be de-constructed and what is de-constructed can be constructed.

Which means what ? It means that this Me is an illusion, a created necessary illusion to function in daily life. This Me that so many people are after but no one really finds is a product of each person's history, family, education, society, beliefs, relations, experiences...etc...

This Me - since it is not the ultimate Reality, can change...and does change...and it can take on many colors, many traits, many forms, both positive and negative...

So when I hear people say I want to be fully Me, or accept Me for what I am, or love Me totally unconditionally...I laugh...

I laugh because there is no such thing as an immobilized Me, paralyzed Me, concrete Me...I laugh because this Me is an illusion. I laugh because Me is not the same yesterday today and tomorrow...

But most importantly I laugh because the one seeking the Me does not even know who this Me is.

P.S: Important note - And that is why in Classical Arabic you don't ask - how are You?, you do not address the Me...you ask "Kayf el Hal" - literally translated as how is your STATE. i.e. your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual state...And a STATE is for ever changing...There is NO Me stuck in a State.