This is my 4th post for tonight...who the fuck cares !!!? As the Iraqi proverb says it too well - "the one who is bent on getting drunk, does not count the glasses."
Oh well, I guess I must be drunk with my keyboard and the letters of the Alphabet tonight...who the fuck cares !!!?
This is my little garden, my private territory, my space, my little cyber home, my corner of one side of my own Truth, my little patch of megabytes, this is me...this is part of me and this is part of who I am...Not all of me, because I am not my blog, but just one side of me...And the one who wants to get drunk, does not count the number of posts either...
Means & Ends.
Do the means justify the End ? Does the End justify the means ?
For me this is a very important and complex ethical question.
I am not too sure...Sometimes they do and at other times they don't...
Sometimes they are absolutely necessary and sometimes totally -- counter productive and anti-ethical.
Think about it deeply yourselves. That's not an easy one to crack.
I guess, bottom line, it all really depends where your ultimate loyalties lie.
Hell, I did warn you, it's not an easy one to crack...