Tuesday 21 August 2012


Either, am losing it...or the Folly is just palpable...my greatest "Jihad" is to remain sane - Insha'Allah.
No - there is a Folly...not as in foolish, but as in a raving Insanity, an epidemic of Insanity. This is no comedy but a very serious matter...the Imbalance has reached such levels, that it has become irremediable.

I feel the Folly in everything and everyone I see. In people, in friends, in politics, in religious folks, in scholars, in preachers, in families, in relationships...

I am not sure if this is part of the very deep upheaval the Arab world is going through, very very deep...I am not sure if it is a crisis of "modernity" or that "modernity" carries the seeds of Folly slowly germinating, I am not sure if this Folly is the civilized face of Schizophrenia...or a culture in its last throes of either death or rebirth...

However I do not see it limited to "us"....I see it in also in the so-called "civilized" world...the malignancy of Folly, permeating everything...

I feel a little scared by this vision...I feel it is going to get worse, I feel the Folly expanding everywhere...I feel it out of control...am a little scared...yes a little scared.