Thursday 3 January 2008

New Year non-Resolutions...

I have no new year resolutions. They are worthless.

Maybe am not disciplined enough for any...or maybe there is nothing to make a resolution about...

Like what am I supposed to vow ?

In 2008, I shall not smoke, not get angry, love my neighbor, (try living with them for a while yourself) not think of Iraq, excercise more, forgive and forget, admire America, Israel or Iran, warm up to global warming, become besotted with occupations, love less...?

I mean seriously what should I make a resolution about?

There is an Arabic proverb that says the "dog's tail will always remain curved."

Not that am twisted myself, but what am trying to say is that it's the same with one's basic personality, character, call it what you like...

No point trying to change me, myself, one's real nature.
"Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop." - Try chasing away nature, it will come back galloping...

I guess, I am a firm adherent of one of J.P.Sartre maxims who said in one of his brilliant moments:
"L'Enfer c'est les autres." Hell is the other.

So far, he and I proved to be correct.

Oh well, maybe next year...

But I will leave you with a song, for those who do enjoy my musical taste, the great Portuguese voice of Dulce Pontes and the Italian Andrea Bocelli in a mind blowing duet, called "O Mare e tu" - The Sea and you.

Don't you just love the freedom of the Sea?

Happy non resolved new 2008.

Translation for the lyrics available here