Thursday, 15 September 2011

Good Girl...

Oh here's the good girl, the one that doesn't rock the boat, the one who submits to the status quo, the one who is ever so grateful for being accepted as a girl, the one who praises boys and men, the one who...

Who's that girl ?

That girl who doesn't raise her voice, that girl who keeps her legs tightly crossed, that girl who becomes the woman who will carry a torch too heavy for you fuckers to even lift...

Who's that girl ?

The one who caters, the one who listens, the one who obeys, the one who gives, the one who turns the other cheek...the one ...

Where is she today ?

In which brothel ? in which home for the battered ? in which prison ? in which mental asylum ? in which hospital? in which abyss? in which coffin ?

The good girl...that was grateful to be kept alive.

the good girl...

the good girl...