Sunday 9 May 2010

The Madonna and the Whore

Frankly the MOST fucked up societies when it comes to GENDER - Male/ Female relations are to be found in the East ---by the East I mean the whole of the East....and in PARTICULAR the Arab world.

Since I have not lived in places like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia and the like...and I can only imagine the state of the fuckedupness (ok I just invented yet another word), I will concentrate on THE fucked up place of gender relations and that is the Arab East...

There is nothing you can do about it...EVERY Eastern man (most likely Western men too maybe to a lesser extent) is a schizophrenic. Seriously am not joking....

The schizophrenia of the Eastern man is something is not only a psychological personality split, oh is social, cultural, religious, political, you name it....he has it...

For someone who is not part of this world, it is very difficult to understand the multi layered personality dissonance of the Eastern man...whether he is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Jewish...these men are frankly totally screwed....and badly so..

I believe there is something a priori - de facto - in the male psyche that predisposes to that state of schizophrenia when it comes to gender relations, but I also believe that on top of that, there are other layers made of culture, religion, psychology, you name it...he has it...the guy is seriously I mean it...he's fucking sick...

He is a mass of contradictions, paradoxes, double standards, incoherence, in-congruence, un-cohesiveness, complexes, insecurities, frustrations, defeats, unconsciousness...add whatever you like...

If you are looking for a WHOLE,  WELL INTEGRATED,  for a GESTALT in any Eastern man - forget it....Seriously FORGET IT.

There is only ONE way for this dissonant, dichotomous, split, fucked up entity called Eastern men...only one way...

The minute you get to that reality, that truth, you are fine...provided you live with the consequences of either choice you make...

And that truth is very simple, very down to earth, not complicated whatsoever...but it must be kept at the back of your mind at all times if you deal with these fucked up specimens

In the Eastern male mind there are ONLY two kinds of women --- the Madonna and the Whore...

I told you it is simple...

Anything in between, anything that is not black nor white, anything that is difficult to categorize, is immediately relegated to the whore side...

The Eastern male mind when it comes to gender and sex  likes expediency, clarity, no ambiguity and no are either a MADONNA or a WHORE.

If you are a Madonna --- very unlikely...since NO woman is. And if she is then she is not fuck-able, or only fuck-able enough to bear his progeny...but in either case you are to observe VERY strict rules , even if the guy in front of you is the man you are about to joke am serious...if you veil yourself, in any way possible, that is even better...never mind if you played "the whore" before any event, whatever you do, you should NEVER be yourself...NEVER. And if you insist on being yourself, then for God's sake, veil that too....

Veil as in symbolic cloth not actual,...but if you can go for the actual one, please do this will facilitate your life even will become, definitely a MADONNA.

Now if you have chosen to play "the whore", bear in mind that anything that is short of a Madonna is one...ok I repeat --- anything short of a Madonna is a Whore in the Eastern male mind...I am not exaggerating, I know how the psyche of this mass of complexes me on this one...

So basically what the Eastern man is telling you, without telling you in so many words is  -- become a manipulative bitch...a liar, full of double standards and deceit...only then, will that insecure, schizophrenic  son of a bitch feel secure enough around you....