Wednesday 19 May 2010

This is Mine...

This is my personal blog, ok assholes ?!

This means I write whatever I fucking well like...this means I can reproduce your fucking ugly voices...the BBC, the Voice of America, Sawt al Sharq - the voice from the Orient...

This means I can imitate you, plagiarize you, copy you, mock you .... whichever way I fucking like...

Get it motherfuckers ?!

This is my territory, my land, my turf and no one can occupy one !

This is my land, my garden, my space... this is where I breathe away from your fucking stinking smells...your odors of hypocrisy, of lies, of make believe, of double standards, of deceit...

This where I can expose you -- expose your crookedness, your filth, your moral depravity...

This is my little plot, my little garden, my own...this is mine...absolutely mine...that no motherfucker can take away -- not through tanks, not through bombs, not through guns, not through speeches, not through threats, not through sweet love words....

No one can take that little one from one. This is mine.