I am daily, constantly confronted with Idiocy...I have come to believe that the village idiot is not the odd one out, but the whole mass is...
We are actually populated by the magic of Idiocy...This is the new ideology. Really am not kidding. Idiots are in vogue.
Sure you can't write - professional idiot - on your CV. You need to make it a little more flowery...beautify it with words...but really if you need to land anything these days - from job to lover -- be an idiot.
Idiocy pays in the new world order of things, in the new world order of Idiots. You know why ? Because that's the prevailing ideology, in whatever form or color it takes. So do join the bandwagon, you might make it, last minute...
The culture of Idiots is the culture of Mediocrity in the full sense of the word.
Of course if you're not mediocre, you will not understand it. It's like a foreign language to you...take my advice - learn it.
It's not that complicated once you get the hang of it...you just need to fulfill the role of Dumb and that's about gets you there.
You see, Mediocrity is an intolerant motherfucker...It can't stand anything that is not like it.
It's like a parasite that feeds on its own for its own survival...
If you become Mediocre you will survive...I promise you that.
Darwin was an asshole...he did not understand the concept of Idiocy and its correlative Mediocrity. Had he done so...he would have called it the survival of the mediocre.
Our societies, our systems are designed to take a - or a + but nothing beyond or above...
Conformity is another word for mediocrity.
There are parameters laid before you - stating - there's so much we can take, we can accept or tolerate. Anything outside these parameters are an infringement.
Some of you react to this, without even knowing it...you go neurotic, phobic, and ultimately insane...
Others are happy to work within the parameters..they find in them comfort, familiarity, security...
Security is for idiots.
Why ?
Because security provides the ultimate illusion that things remain as they are...the same.
And only an idiot can believe that.