I need to finish that post about the Cleansing of Iraq, I am sure it's going to be divided into many parts, because the destruction has been deep and branched out into so many spheres....
I recoil at the thought, a reality I do not wish to face fully, a sort of willful denial...I still don't understand what it is I am protecting myself from ?
Am lying...I am protecting myself from the realization that this love affair is over, or this love affair will only be relegated to the level of words...but is that not what they aimed for in the first place, hoping to even erase the words ?
I also need to live my life, 8 years of my life have gone by...preceded by another 10 or so...I have been so tied up to and with Iraq. It literally feels as if I had stopped living...while others got on with it, they did their thing...regardless. I didn't. I devoted all my energies to Iraq, the big bulk of it...
A part of me says it is high time that you abdicate, girl. You've done your share, now let go...and tend your own garden, that garden that you have been neglecting for so many years now...and another part of me says - no, you are to continue, regardless...because Iraq is part and parcel of you and there is no escape from that Destiny.