Sorry to be so blunt, but there is something fundamentally wrong, warped and twisted in Men, OVERALL, generally speaking, and in particular Eastern Men.
I don't know what the fuck it is. Maybe a combination of being spoiled rotten by mama for being the little dick that he is, plus a deformed understanding of religion, plus a culture that does not hold men accountable and responsible for their acts, plus personal psychological baggage and deep complexes, plus God knows what else...
All I can tell you is that the end result of this explosive combination is LETHAL to women's sanity - at least it is to mine.
Of course, I know women can be as fucked up and terrible manipulative bitches too, but frankly men fare much worse on that front...
I have been kind of reviewing all the men I have met in my life time, in all walks of life - professionally, socially, intimately, etc...and there is one thing that keeps sticking out like a sore thumb -- the male ego is a disaster producing entity.
Now we all need egos to function in society. I have nothing against the ego per se, and there are a few "healthy, balanced" egos around but trust me the unhealthy, unbalanced ones are way more numerous...
And in Eastern men, that's what you get...really. I am not trying to be unkind here, just giving a "spiritual" kick in the ass because it's about time these men wake up.
From personal experience, from listening to women's stories, from observation, from reading, from seeing with my own two eyes...I am aghast, honestly aghast at the amount of bullshit men can come up with and the amount of grotesque acts and behavior men are capable of...
It's as if these guys know nothing about Verticality, it's as if they have lived their whole fucking lives in some mental cave, and in a horizontal position.
The lack of self awareness, the lack of self introspection, the lack of self honesty, the lack of genuine principles (as opposed to paying lip service)...this lack is frightening and appalling indeed...and you think to yourself -- have I gone mad with lucidity and is there a way out ?
I see emotional cripples, emotional handicaps walking around, puffing themselves up for nothing...really nothing except "I am a MAN". Yeah you are, so fucking what ?!
They allow themselves the most crass behaviors and acts - from stealing, to lying, to cheating, to betraying, to manipulating, to fabricating, to conning, to abusing, to battering, to insulting, to humiliating, to...and you can add your own...but God forbid anyone touches that little ego of theirs. After all they are the "men."
And the women who surround them are idiots, true idiots, because they know the truth and they just shut up about it. They masquerade their chronic miserable lives under the titles of "loving, tolerant, patient, enduring, sacrificing..." and whatever other bullshit they can justify it with...thus enabling those assholes -- because men like that are assholes, to continue doing what they do...
This is really beyond me. I don't understand it, I don't accept it and I can't put up with it either...nor should you.
And some of these idiotic women, would come and tell you in their mousy voices that you need to "love unconditionally and be forgiving"or " what can we do, God created them that way " -- or some other crap concept they read in some equally crap self help book or heard on their local religious station...And they continue being martyrs of "love" and of screwed up, toxic, miserable relationships...
What unconditional love and what forgiveness ? What is this nonsense ?
You love unconditionally only in TRUTH and you forgive when the person changes...but one does not love unconditionally -- liars, deceivers, cheaters, abusers, batterers and the rest of the psychotic psychopathic bunch. Things in life just don't work that way.
We are talking about men and women here, about adults seeing eye to eye, not about some Mother Teresa icon figure nor some super mythical Mama to whom he will run to and say "sorry mama, please forgive me" and run back out and repeat his shit all over again...because this is exactly what they do.
He wants unconditional love ? Sure, let him go to God, some Saint or the Sisters of Mother Teresa in some convent and be mentally and spiritually rehabilitated, atoned, and redeemed there.
Another line women often fall for is "if you accept me as I am" (me being a liar, cheater, deceiver, abuser, batterer - chose what fits you best), "then I will change into the stable, responsible, blah blah blah, man..."
More bullshit and more bullshit. If I can accept you as you are, then am in the wrong vocation dear, I must go and join the Sisters of Mother Teresa myself.
Of course, no one is perfect, and no relationship is perfect, but for God's sake stop deluding yourselves with nonsense ideas that things will change if you love unconditionally and/or accept the unacceptable...
This is good material for conversations when you are stoned or high on some shit or during your meditation classes with your Swami or your favorite Guru, but this does NOT work for relationships where the male ego is fundamentally warped and twisted...
It does not work. Simple.
But what bugs me even more is the following. Those same creeps parading as men, and there are plenty of them around, expect you to have NO ego. In their warped, twisted, screwed up minds women don't have egos. Women are there to ENDURE them...
If you only knew how many men told me - "you know Layla, men are bastards", they would add "I am one too" because they either lied again, cheated again, wronged again, whatever...and they would say it with Pride, like some trophy thing they were capable of getting away with, again, one more time...
And they secretly expect the woman (thank God, I am not one of them nor would I be, ever !) to say to them -- " I understand darling, and I love you just the way you are...you are still the most wonderful man on earth..." or some other crap along these lines...
And he also expects from the woman he wronged to remain -- faithful, loving, loyal, tender, caring, understanding...and more blah blah blah...you know why ? Because in his eyes she has NO SENSE OF SELF or is NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE ONE. And he will keep on trashing her that way until she finally ends up in some mental hospital ward, living on anti-depressants...or somatize his toxicity into some incurable illness.
And if she is not "modern" enough to seek psychiatric care, then she will run to the local sheikh and ask for someone to exorcise her from whatever jinn "possessed" her and the local sheikh will give her more shit about how she should be a good, enduring, sacrificing, woman...
Don't laugh, because this is EXACTLY what happens...but everything is swept under the carpet, and facades are kept intact, well polished...
However you see more and more court cases with staggering number of divorces in this part of the world...but no one ever addresses the real crucial issue, behind it all...no one...
That of a screwed up, warped, twisted, male ego incapable of questioning and re-evaluating itself.
Painting: Iraqi artist, Dia Al-Azzawi, 1995.
I don't know what the fuck it is. Maybe a combination of being spoiled rotten by mama for being the little dick that he is, plus a deformed understanding of religion, plus a culture that does not hold men accountable and responsible for their acts, plus personal psychological baggage and deep complexes, plus God knows what else...
All I can tell you is that the end result of this explosive combination is LETHAL to women's sanity - at least it is to mine.
Of course, I know women can be as fucked up and terrible manipulative bitches too, but frankly men fare much worse on that front...
I have been kind of reviewing all the men I have met in my life time, in all walks of life - professionally, socially, intimately, etc...and there is one thing that keeps sticking out like a sore thumb -- the male ego is a disaster producing entity.
Now we all need egos to function in society. I have nothing against the ego per se, and there are a few "healthy, balanced" egos around but trust me the unhealthy, unbalanced ones are way more numerous...
And in Eastern men, that's what you get...really. I am not trying to be unkind here, just giving a "spiritual" kick in the ass because it's about time these men wake up.
From personal experience, from listening to women's stories, from observation, from reading, from seeing with my own two eyes...I am aghast, honestly aghast at the amount of bullshit men can come up with and the amount of grotesque acts and behavior men are capable of...
It's as if these guys know nothing about Verticality, it's as if they have lived their whole fucking lives in some mental cave, and in a horizontal position.
The lack of self awareness, the lack of self introspection, the lack of self honesty, the lack of genuine principles (as opposed to paying lip service)...this lack is frightening and appalling indeed...and you think to yourself -- have I gone mad with lucidity and is there a way out ?
I see emotional cripples, emotional handicaps walking around, puffing themselves up for nothing...really nothing except "I am a MAN". Yeah you are, so fucking what ?!
They allow themselves the most crass behaviors and acts - from stealing, to lying, to cheating, to betraying, to manipulating, to fabricating, to conning, to abusing, to battering, to insulting, to humiliating, to...and you can add your own...but God forbid anyone touches that little ego of theirs. After all they are the "men."
And the women who surround them are idiots, true idiots, because they know the truth and they just shut up about it. They masquerade their chronic miserable lives under the titles of "loving, tolerant, patient, enduring, sacrificing..." and whatever other bullshit they can justify it with...thus enabling those assholes -- because men like that are assholes, to continue doing what they do...
This is really beyond me. I don't understand it, I don't accept it and I can't put up with it either...nor should you.
And some of these idiotic women, would come and tell you in their mousy voices that you need to "love unconditionally and be forgiving"or " what can we do, God created them that way " -- or some other crap concept they read in some equally crap self help book or heard on their local religious station...And they continue being martyrs of "love" and of screwed up, toxic, miserable relationships...
What unconditional love and what forgiveness ? What is this nonsense ?
You love unconditionally only in TRUTH and you forgive when the person changes...but one does not love unconditionally -- liars, deceivers, cheaters, abusers, batterers and the rest of the psychotic psychopathic bunch. Things in life just don't work that way.
We are talking about men and women here, about adults seeing eye to eye, not about some Mother Teresa icon figure nor some super mythical Mama to whom he will run to and say "sorry mama, please forgive me" and run back out and repeat his shit all over again...because this is exactly what they do.
He wants unconditional love ? Sure, let him go to God, some Saint or the Sisters of Mother Teresa in some convent and be mentally and spiritually rehabilitated, atoned, and redeemed there.
Another line women often fall for is "if you accept me as I am" (me being a liar, cheater, deceiver, abuser, batterer - chose what fits you best), "then I will change into the stable, responsible, blah blah blah, man..."
More bullshit and more bullshit. If I can accept you as you are, then am in the wrong vocation dear, I must go and join the Sisters of Mother Teresa myself.
Of course, no one is perfect, and no relationship is perfect, but for God's sake stop deluding yourselves with nonsense ideas that things will change if you love unconditionally and/or accept the unacceptable...
This is good material for conversations when you are stoned or high on some shit or during your meditation classes with your Swami or your favorite Guru, but this does NOT work for relationships where the male ego is fundamentally warped and twisted...
It does not work. Simple.
But what bugs me even more is the following. Those same creeps parading as men, and there are plenty of them around, expect you to have NO ego. In their warped, twisted, screwed up minds women don't have egos. Women are there to ENDURE them...
If you only knew how many men told me - "you know Layla, men are bastards", they would add "I am one too" because they either lied again, cheated again, wronged again, whatever...and they would say it with Pride, like some trophy thing they were capable of getting away with, again, one more time...
And they secretly expect the woman (thank God, I am not one of them nor would I be, ever !) to say to them -- " I understand darling, and I love you just the way you are...you are still the most wonderful man on earth..." or some other crap along these lines...
And he also expects from the woman he wronged to remain -- faithful, loving, loyal, tender, caring, understanding...and more blah blah blah...you know why ? Because in his eyes she has NO SENSE OF SELF or is NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE ONE. And he will keep on trashing her that way until she finally ends up in some mental hospital ward, living on anti-depressants...or somatize his toxicity into some incurable illness.
And if she is not "modern" enough to seek psychiatric care, then she will run to the local sheikh and ask for someone to exorcise her from whatever jinn "possessed" her and the local sheikh will give her more shit about how she should be a good, enduring, sacrificing, woman...
Don't laugh, because this is EXACTLY what happens...but everything is swept under the carpet, and facades are kept intact, well polished...
However you see more and more court cases with staggering number of divorces in this part of the world...but no one ever addresses the real crucial issue, behind it all...no one...
That of a screwed up, warped, twisted, male ego incapable of questioning and re-evaluating itself.
Painting: Iraqi artist, Dia Al-Azzawi, 1995.