Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Not Your Business...

Min Husn Al Mar' fi el Islam, an la yatadakhal fi ma la yan'ih - Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)

It means -- one of the virtues of the Muslim is not to meddle/get involved with what does not (personally) concern him/her.

It means -- what you are not made privy to, stay away from. It means, if this is no concern of yours, don't stick your nose in it. It means keep away from what is not directly personally related to you or with whom you have no real relation. It means keep away from gossip, backbiting and the rest. It means keep away from snooping into other people's affairs and lives when not invited. It means having the discernment to know what concerns you and what does not concern you, what involves you and what does not involve you...

In other words, it means that you honestly ask yourself - is it really my business ? And it means to honestly reply -- if it's not my business, then it's really not my business.

Making it simple for you: You know when you hear such and such did this and that, and this and that is not even remotely related to know when you hear...x. said, y. did, z. heard...You know when you see -- so and so was with so and so, did so and so, in such and such place, and so and so was present...and then you hear from someone else that so and so did so and so, in such and such place as on and so forth...

Well to put it simply --- none of the above is your fucking business.