Friday 3 July 2009

More on Stupidity...

In yesterday's post I wrote about the "state of being stupid". Today I will continue in yesterday's footsteps and write about one glaring aspect of human stupidity - the ultimate stupidity - the mother of all stupidities.

It's been a wondrous night. Just the right weather for me. Enough warmth and a starry illuminated sky. Good conversations, shared food, hearty laughter, eyes to see, nose to smell, tongue to taste, ears to hear, hands to touch, legs to dance, walk, and lips to smile and kiss...All those treasures taken for granted.

A wondrous night cloaked in much genuine simplicity, a free flow of words, good music, little simple things, that make up the whole canvas. Small applied stitches in a huge embroidery, dabs of colors in a painting in the making, the seeds of possibilities - the possibilities of a full life.

Nothing exceptional, nothing grand, nothing out of the the ordinary life in a non-ordinary way - from the heart. Savoring each moment, being in the present, being open, being aware without withholding, being yourself...

A wondrous night, pregnant with meanings...

Life is so simple.

So why do people complicate it ? why do they fuck it up so badly, the way they do ?
I never really understood that.

I have studied much, read a thousand books, meditated, contemplated, prayed but I was never able to come to terms with Evil and its flip side - stupidity.

What is this poison called humans ?

Don't you think there is enough misery as is, enough natural disasters, enough diseases, enough poverty, enough global catastrophes ?

Don't you think there is enough abuse, enough pain, enough suffering, enough hopelessness, enough confusion, enough desolation ?

I still can't understand why humans add more, and more and more of the same poison.

What is the matter with us, Homo Sapiens ? What the fuck is the matter with us ?

The way I see it - it's like someone giving you a gift daily, and you arrogantly bundle it up and throw it back in the face of the Giver...

This saddens me much, I have no words...

At the bottom of all of this existential self inflicted misery, lies us...lies the human kind.

It takes so much effort daily to renew that pact of faith...

No one has screwed it up as bad as we have. In fact there is no one else but us who are screwing it up daily...

If that is not stupidity, I don't know what is.