It's been a horrid past 7 days. Horrific. So many thoughts whirling in my head - past present future...implications, consequences, messages, symbols, perceptions, ramifications, conceptions, images...
The official language is full of duplicity. People are so hung up on what they hear and read --- they hardly look at the actions. It's like a lousy romance - you keep wanting to believe what he says when you know damn well what he does...
But you call it - giving it the benefit of the doubt - another way to placate yourself, keep you in line with the official version, with the status quo.
Attempts are erasing identities - and all identity is rooted in history - is an attempt at erasing History.
I say -- attempt -- because in this whirlpool, in this avalanche of thoughts, I realized it is impossible to erase History. Not because one is superman, but because History by its very concept cannot be erased. It can be falsified, changed, re-written, but not erased.
History is a crafty mistress. She will always leave a cue, a piece of something in her that however much one wants to change it, there will always be someone else who will stumble upon this lone piece and who will be curious enough to pick it up, and back track ---walk back in time --- searching for other missing pieces...and try to reconstitute, and uncover the Truth.
Hence, my fascination with and for details...there will always be that little something that gives it away...
My conclusion with courting History is - all is never lost, even though much is gone.