Sunday 28 March 2010

The Fashushee Arabs

I greatly enjoy taunting other Arabs, specially those I consider to be hmm...falso.

Falso in Arabic slang - comes from False - Fake...we call them in Iraqi slang Fashushee...meaning false/fake/ empty (promises)...and I do it best on the youtube comment section - I just take the piss out of them...

Like I was checking out some songs and I landed on the most beautiful men and women and let's see what we have here :

Gulf men...horror of horrors. OK some of them are handsome but if they gave me his weight in gold, I would not go near one of them...

Then there were ze most sexy Lebanese men in the world...yawn ! They all look like sissies...except one or two, but then these are the types where the old adage of "soit beau et tait toi"  (be handsome and shut up) is spot on...

Then you have ze lebanese women category with the introduction - "we ze lebanese are ze most beautiful in ze universe, it is because we are Phoenicians, we are not Arabs, we colonized ze world"

What colonized you stupid bitch ?! you can't even free your Shabaa farms with all your hezzie wezzie divine victories !

So I leave little "messages" --  like who's the best plastic surgeon in ze Lebanon these days ? and it would help if you did not all look alike, at least we'd be able to tell who is who....

And of course there are the Egyptians with their usual "ahssan nass" - "We are the best people" and their"Masr Um Al Dunya" - Egypt the Mother of the whole World...there was even one Egyptian song " law Masr malet, el Dunya kolaha bet meel" -- if Egypt tilts to one side, the whole world tilts with it....hahahahahaha

I can't stop laughing...

Then of course you have the Syrians...always reminding others of their "endless favors and services to the Arab Umma" - when they do nothing but reap profits from everyone else's misery with their fake Arabism...

And of course you have the Jordanians with their famous slogan " Al Urdun Awalan" - Jordan first...Jordan is a bit like Syria, it thrives on other people's calamities, but at least it does not bark about just moves quietly with it's archaic tribalism...

Am sure I left out a few others....but I shall content myself with these for tonight....hahahahahaha