Wednesday 3 March 2010

Male Love

I am glad I have this little blog of mine, the uncensored one, I can be as politically incorrect as I bloody like...

8th of March is coming up soon...for those of who have no fucking clue what 8th of March stands for - it's international day for women..

Bet you anything you will read 100's of posts praising women, their strength, their sacrifices, their love, their support, and these articles will be written by men, including fake ass left wingers...

Believe none of it, it's all bullshit. It's just good publicity for the men. Trying to impress with their "feminism".

Truth of the matter, men could not care less about women. Yes, you read me right. Men don't give a fuck about women...

Men don't give a  fuck about women as entire beings, as persons, as whole living creatures..they don't.

I can already hear the BUT BUT BUT...fuck your but...

I look at GENERAL trends, I look at figures, I look at statistics, I look at facts...and FACTS show that in that entire globe, women are overall disfranchised, oppressed, neglected, abused, used, traded in as commodities, forgotten -  except when the 8th of march comes up, right after fucking St.Valentino.

Fact of the matter is that men don't love women. Had they loved women, you would not read the horrifying data regarding the overall feminine condition.

Truth of the matter is that men don't love women. They sing, write, exalt Love, but they don't love  women...they love the image in their heads of what a woman should be...

Men mistake sex for love, they think because a particular woman makes them horny more than 5 times in a row it must be love, men mistake their need to sow their "royal oats" for love, they believe if they choose a woman to impregnate, then it must be love. Men mistake attraction and chemistry for Love.

Proof of the matter, this whole charade is only about them...and about their dicks....and none of it has to do with women. And none of it has to do with Love.

Facts matter....because if it had been love, you would not have so many women suffer at the hands of so many men...

And it is in times of "war" that men show their real faces - the face of Cruelty. Women (and children) being the most "vulnerable" elements of a society -  had men really loved women, had men really loved the Feminine, the most vulnerable would be protected...that is basic no ?

But none of that happens...forget the fucking flowery orations, men could not care less about women...they only care when their dick is at stake...dick as in personal dick and dick as in immediate family, which is another projection and extension of their dicks, and not even...because how many women suffer domestic violence at the hands of those dicks, the ones that supposedly married them for love...

Men rename things the way they like...they call love what is nothing but convenience..

And as long men remain the selfish, myopic, stupid, soul less creatures that they are --- no love is possible...but just the illusion of it...And illusions fade in no time...

Maybe if there is one article on the 8th of March about women, it should be about the fickle myth of Male Love.