It's nearly 7 in the morning...and my whole life is flashing before my took many unexpected turns...and I've been going with the flow...or trying to.
I could have been at 7 am in my own home, watering the plants in my kitchen for instance...or maybe doing my morning prayers, tiptoeing so as not to make noise, or maybe something else...other things that only I know...
But it's not.
It's nearly 7 in the morning and am here trying to accept a life flashing before my very eyes...trying to make sense...trying to understand the plan, the wisdom behind it all...
It could have been so different at 7 am.
It could have been safety, security, familiarity, belonging...
But it's not.
It's separation, longing, yearning, nostalgia, hope, exasperation, confusion and despair...
And in that there's a lesson for me.
A lesson of the early hours...